Tag Archives: Winter

Où vas-tu ?


Where you went?

Feet sinking in snow
I turn around, double back
Tell me! Where you went?

I know what you’re thinking: “This is poor grammar!” And you would be correct to think that, but for the fact that it is intended. There’s a story, of course.
Our family camped for the night many moons ago. I woke at first light, quietly exited the tent, and went for a walk. My four-year old daughter greeted me behind the screen door upon my return:
“Where you went, dad?” she asked, to which I replied, eager to correct her grammar, “Where did you go?” placing the emphasis on the word “go.”
“I didn’t go anywhere,” she answered with her hands on her hips, and a broad smile on her face. My wife, my seven-year old son, and I broke into laughter at once; my daughter grinned through the screen.
I should have known better… Since then, “Where you went?” means something quite special.




Risen, set
Rise, set
Rising, setting
Of sun and moon
Childish anticipation
As on Christmas Eve.
Beauty and enchantment
Wonder and awe.
One in the morning, the other at night
For millions of years
Since the beginning of time
Steadfastness and assurance.
One yields to stars and myriad celestial bodies;
The other slowly erases them
Growing warmth, comfort, life.
An unmatched spectacle
Price of entry: FREE!
Only need to open your eyes.



J’ai créé un livre de 40 pages (juste pour moi), il y a quelques années, qui joignait quelques unes de mes photos préférées à des Haïku que j’avais composés. J’ai appris d’un ami poète et mentor que l’art de la photo ou du dessin accompagné d’un haïku s’appelle le haïga. J’ai intitulé le livre Eau et azurs infinis. J’ai décidé de partager ses pages avec vous au cours des prochaines semaines. Voici la première.
p.s. Les poèmes ne seront pas tous des haïkus, techniquement…

I created a 40-page book (just for me), a few years ago, combining some of my favourite photos with my own Haikus. I learned from a poet friend and mentor that this form of art—combining a photograph or drawing with a Haiku—is called Haiga. I called the book Water and Endless Skies. I decided to share its pages with you over the next little while. Here’s the first.
p.s. The poems may not all be haikus, technically…
