Tag Archives: Photos

Happy Mother’s Day


The love of a mother
Is like no other
Years may go by
But [her] love will not die

Tears a mother has cried
Of joy and of sorrow
With children by her side
Will have dried come tomorrow

With kids old or young
Bonds ever so strong
The love of a mother
Will last forever


Super Lune

Pink Supermoon (34 of 65)
Last month’s pink Supermoon (April 7th, 2020)

There’s a certain serenity and sense of security
Sitting in the front row of a lunar spectacle
And watching it unfold as it should be
A feeling so special and absolutely unforgettable

What if the moon got stuck, forever casting shadows
Stopping todays from becoming tomorrows
Thankfully we don’t have to worry about such a thing
We can all get up early and see the sun rising


Nothing Lasts Forever

Bee on a wildflower_1
A bee with worn wings collects pollen on a wildflower in the desert

You emerge with brand new wings
But how will you learn to fly?
You’ll know how to use these things
And soon take to the sky

Fly you will for miles and miles, nature’s wonder
Stopping here and there on colourful flowers
To collect pollen, the sole mission of a forager
Your calling for maybe a thousand hours

Day after day, all of this flying
High and far, there is no denying
Your worn and tattered wings a sure sign
That soon you’ll reach the end of the line

Bee on a wildflower_2
Worn out wings signal the end is near for a bee.


A couple of Canada geese wait patiently for the ice to melt

Thawed by the sun’s rays
The ice on the lake
Turned a dark green colour
Needed only a few days
Of winter taking a break
To reveal the grey water

Emerging from the haze
Shake, shiver and shake
Can’t help but wonder
Maybe we can find ways
For icy blue hearts to awake
And beat even stronger


Agawa Bay, Lake Superior, ON
Two islands shrouded in fog, MacGregor Cove–Agawa Bay, Lake Superior, ON

Staring off in the distance and seeing nothing
My eyes playing tricks with my mind
Carried away by the soft waves lapping the shore
Only the shadows of nearby islands visible
Like ghosts rising out of the fog

A half-smile, a half-hearted laugh
It feels so good to lie down
Listening to nature out there
Your breath keeping time
Only for a few seconds
Without thinking of it
Sleep comes almost instantly